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Hi, can I help you? by Efrat Rubin, Iris Mualem and Uri Levinson, is a multidisciplinary presentation that uses contemporary materials and whose connections create a sequence between science fiction and near reality. In doing so, the piece exposes diverse mechanisms that create a parallel between machine language and choreography, stressing the complex relationship between mechanical and mechanism, between human and humanization. Hi, can I help you? is created by Efrat Rubin in collaboration with Iris Mualem and Uri Levinson and performed by Rubin, Levinson, and the machines – Mu, Ro, and Baby Mu; text by Rubin, Levinson, and Mualem; artistic guidance by Tamar Borer; original score, programming, recording and mix by Yehu Yaron with Shachar Ziv (French horn), Assaf Lokay (trombone), and Yaron (keyboards); costume design by Inbal Ben Zaken; narration by Ori Lenkinski; special thanks to Ido Bornstein, Dalia Chaimsky, Einat Ganz, Danny Tabak, and Jonathan Katzman.

Duration: 60 mins

Admission: 70₪

To register for the performance taking place on November 17 click here

To register for the performance taking place on November 18 click here

Efrat Rubin, Iris Mualem and Uri Levinson

Hi, can I help you?, 2021

View of the performance at the Arab-Jewish Community Center, Tel Aviv-Jaffa

Courtesy of the artists

Photo: Efrat Mazor

Performance | Efrat Rubin, Iris Mualem and Uri Levinson

November 18, 2022

November 17, 2022

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